Mattress Cleaning Perth
Your Carpet Cleaner Offers same day mattress cleaning Perth
Mattress cleaning Perth
Did you know your mattress is not only your mattress, but also home to (probably) hundreds (or thousands) of germs, such as bacteria, dust mites and fungus?
Yes! That’s correct! They live and grow in our mattresses as they are a favourable environment for feeding and reproducing to the amount of dead skin cells, hair, dust and bodily fluids.
That’s why keeping your mattresses clean and sanitised by having them regularly clean is so important! Not only
At Your Carpet Cleaner we work with the latest technology in order to help you keep your home clean and healthy. Our mattress cleaning services consists of pre-cleaning and treating the mattress by vacuuming and applying a pre treatment solution onto it. The solution will penetrate into the mattress’ fibers and help loosen dirt and debris as well as eliminate mites, bacteria and fungus. Then, we will steam clean your mattress using a water extraction process and remove any removable spots and stains. After we have finished, you will rest assured that you have a completely clean, healthy and disinfected mattress to sleep on.
Mattress Cleaning
Can you see now the importance of keeping your mattress regularly clean? Contact us today for an obligation free quote and go back to sleeping on a healthy mattress again.
Your Carpet Cleaner specialises in urine mattress cleaning Urine
Special deals when more than one service is booked.